Apogeus Com has chosen the July Soft Hekla solution for Fleet Management

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The Romanian carrier APOGEUS COM SRL - a company for domestic and international freight transport - based in Romania, Brăila County, chose in 2019 to implement its own Car Fleet Management (TMS) system using the July Soft Hekla® DMS solution, developed and promoted by JULY SOFT SRL - a start-up based in Bucharest.

The implementation of Hekla® DMS resulted in a complete Transport Fleet Management solution of APOGEUS COM, a fleet with approximately 60 trucks, 63 drivers and 4 dispatchers.

The implementation - including analysis - lasted a month, testing a month, and finally went into production, the system being so far a success that showed that it is possible to implement a full fledged Fleet Management System (TMS) by collaborating with a local start-up, the advantages being not only the low cost of implementation as time and money, but especially the extremely high degree of implementation customization to the specific needs of APOGEUS COM and implicitly of the final utility of the system by automation and digitization of manual processes which, although characteristic of any carrier, inevitably have particularities on a case-by-case basis, such as:

  • Fleet Management (Trucks, Trailers, Drivers, Overhauls, Insurance, Technical Inspections, etc.)

  • Contracting Management for Providers

  • Invoicing (RON, EUR, USD), generation of transport slips associated with invoices, etc

  • Control of Repair Costs, Fuel etc

  • Reporting for Revenues, Costs, Profitability per car

  • Fuel Supply Management, Consumption etc

  • Integration with the existing GPS Fleet Tracking System

“We use the Transport Management System (TMS) implemented with Hekla DMS from 2019 and we are extremely satisfied with the contribution brought within APOGEUS COM but especially with the ease with which Hekla can adapt to new business requirements. The Hekla TMS module was first developed for us in about a month after a preliminary analysis with the July Soft team and we were pleasantly surprised by the speed of implementation, the quality of support and ease of use "says Popa Ionel, General Manager of APOGEUS COM, domestic and international freight transport operator.


The Hekla® DMS platform is the most important component of the JULY SOFT Geysir® suite and allows fast and cheap implementations of digitization of the most complicated operational processes that any company must implement to be competitive in this globalized and increasingly competitive environment. In addition to Hekla® DMS, JULY SOFT offers with the implementation and an annual license of Geysir® ES - an Enterprise Search system - integrated with Hekla® DMS and which helps you find information on your local network, so as modern search engines do for Internet browsing.


The Geysir® suite is based on the Microsoft .NET and Microsoft SQL Server platform, by default offering the best data security standards and last but not least facilitating GDPR compliance.


JULY SOFT SRL has several successful implementations of Hekla® DMS at various domestic freight transport operators, each implementation being extremely different from case to case as the Hekla® DMS solution allows, with relatively low costs of money and time, customization according the needs of each customer.


Hekla® DMS has been used successfully in implementations in many business areas, such as:

  • Transportation (TMS) – few full fledged Fleet Management Solutions – personalized

  • Invoice Controlling - Automatic Flow Management of Supplier Invoices sent by email

  • Logistics – Supplier Delivery / Gate Booking Management

  • Appraisal & Valuation – Bidding, Contracting, Billing

  • Industry and Production of Metal Parts – Project & Part Production Tracking

  • Installations, Assemblies and Industrial Equipment

  • Project Management

  • Constructions and Equipments Rental etc


Also, with Hekla® DMS you can quickly implement:

  • Bidding, Contracting, Invoicing for Services

  • WMS (Warehouse Management System)

  • CRM (Customer Relationship Management), Sales Force Tracking

  • CRM for forwarders – automatic processing and generation of customs documents and invoicing


For more details on how JULY SOFT can assist you in digitizing and automating the processes of your company, as well as for a possible free demo, do not hesitate to contact us here (www.julysoft.net/contact).

Apogeus Com a ales soluția July Soft Hekla pentru Managementul Flotei de Transport

Puteti citi articolul original aici.


Transportatorul român APOGEUS COM SRL – firmă autohtonă de transport intern și internațional de marfă – cu sediul în România, jud. Brăila, a ales în 2019 să implementeze propriul sistem de Management de Flota Auto (TMS) folosind soluția July Soft Hekla® DMS, dezvoltată și promovată de către JULY SOFT SRL – un start-up cu sediul in București.

Implementarea Hekla® DMS s-a concretizat intr-o soluție completă de Management a Flotei de Transport a APOGEUS COM, flotă având aproximativ 60 capete tractor, 63 șoferi si 4 dispeceri. Implementarea – cu tot cu analiză - a durat o luna, testarea o luna, iar la final s-a intrat in producție, sistemul fiind pînă în prezent un succes ce a arătat că e posibil să se implementeze un sistem de Management Flota („TMS”) complet, colaborând cu un start-up autohton, avantajele fiind nu numai costul scăzut al implementării ca timp si bani, dar mai ales al gradului extrem de mare al personalizării implementării la nevoile specifice APOGEUS COM și implicit al utiliății finale a sistemului prin automatizarea si digitalizarea unor procese manuale care, deși sunt caracteristice oricărui transportator, au inevitabil particularități de la caz la caz, precum:

  • Managementul Flotei (Auto, Remorci, Șoferi, Revizii, Asigurări, ITP etc)

  • Contractare Prestatori

  • Facturare (RON, EUR, USD), generare Borderouri transport asociate facturilor etc

  • Control Costuri Reparații, Combustibil etc

  • Raportare Venituri, Costuri, Profitabilitate per mașina

  • Management Alimentări Carburant, Consum etc

  • Integrare cu Sistemul GPS de urmărire a Flotei existent

“Folosim Sistemul de Management Transport (TMS) implementat cu Hekla DMS din 2019 și suntem extrem de mulțumiți de aportul adus în cadrul APOGEUS COM dar mai ales de ușurința cu care se poate adapta Hekla la cerințe noi de business. Modulul Hekla TMS a fost dezvoltat prima dată pentru noi în aproximativ o lună dup