Yesterday, 26 March 2019, took place an excellent event “Capability-Driven Defence Research and Innovation Conference” organized by MAPN(Minister of National Defence of Romania) together with EDA(European Defence Agency) within the 2019 Romanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union at “Palace of Parliament” in Bucharest.

We enjoyed to see the discussion and presentation of of maximum interest topics such as:
new EU funding instruments with impact in future defence EU capability
synergies between defence public sector(5% EU defence Fund) and private industries especially where its about disruptive early stage innovative products(fast, dynamic, flexible and less failure foresight). In this way, EU defence sector wants to take benefit of new technological leads and fund them for changing the way things are done into defence sphere.
Thanks to the organizers for the invitation and congratulations for the excellent event!
Iulia and Stelian from JulySoft.Net

It was just the end of the PatriotFest Edition 2018, a national contest organized by MApN, MAI, SRI, STS, SPP in partnership with the New Strategy Center. A fascinating event, where innovating Romanians from everywhere had the opportunity to present their projects in several fields.
congratulations to all PatriotFest organizers for the real source of inspiration offered to all Romanians as well for the chance given to the participants!
Popa Dumitru-Stelian attended the section “Optimizing Human Performance” with the product “July Soft Geysir Enterprise Search”.
Participation started with interesting discussions at the PatriotFest forum and then followed a detailed demo of the product “Geysir Enterprise Search”, exemplifying the functionalities and benefits of this search engine within any institution that would implement it.
Popa Dumitru-Stelian has achieved the maximum success and recognition of PatriotFest, receiving 1st place in the category “Optimizing Human Performance” for “Geysir Enterprise Search” - you can view the award at the PatriotFest gala here (at 47').

It gives us a great honor and we Thanks a lot to Mr. Andrei Oprina, Head of the Institute for Advanced Technologies (ITA) of SRI(Romanian Inteligence Service) for the beautiful handing over of the 1st prize for Geysir Enterprise Search - Popa Stelian in the section "Optimizing Human Performance".
You can view the video with awarding the prize here.
We thank Simona who was present to raise the prize in place of Stelian.

Thanks to PatriotFest for the chance to participate in this national event as well as for the trust and Geysir's first prize in Optimizing Human Performance!
Well done Stelian! July Soft thanks you for your entire contribution to creating and promoting “Geysir Enterprise Search”!

Other information about PatriotFest Edition 2018 you can find at:
Make every effort and your passion and dreams can come true!
Happy Birthday, Romania! Thanks PatriotFest! Well done Stelian!
Iulia from JulySoft.Net

Tocmai s-a incheiat PatriotFest Editia 2018, concurs national organizat de MApN, MAI, SRI, STS, SPP in parteneriat cu asociatia New Strategy Center. Un eveniment fascinant, in cadrul caruia romanii inovatori de pretutindeni au avut ocazia sa-si prezinte proiectele funtionale in mai multe domenii.
Felicitari tuturor organizatorilor PatriotFest pentru reala sursa de inspiratie oferita noua tuturor romanilor precum si sansa oferita participantilor!
Popa Dumitru-Stelian a participat la sectiunea “Optimizarea performantei umane” cu produsul “July Soft Geysir Enterprise Search”.
Participarea a inceput cu discutii interesante in cadrul forumului PatriotFest si apoi a urmat o demostratie detaliata a produsului “Geysir Enterprise Search”, exemplificand functionalitatile si beneficiile aduse de acest motor de cautare in cadrul oricarei institutii care l-ar implementa.
Popa Dumitru-Stelian a obtinut succesul maxim si recunoasterea PatriotFest, primind locul 1 la categoria “Optimizarea performantei umane” pentru produsul “Geysir Enterprise Search” - puteti vizualiza acordarea premiului la gala PatriotFest aici (minutul 47).

Ne face o deosebita onoare si ii multumim mult D-nului Andrei Oprina, Directorul Institutului pentru Tehnologii Avansate (ITA) din cadrul SRI(Serviciul Roman de Informatii) pentru frumoasa inmanare a premiului 1 pentru "Geysir Enterprise Search" - Popa Stelian la sectiunea "Optimizarea performantei umane".
Puteti vizualiza inmanarea premiului aici.
Multumim Simonei care a fost prezenta sa ridice premiul in locul lui Stelian.

Multumim PatriotFest pentru sansa oferita de a participa la acest eveniment national, precum si pentru increderea oferita si premierea lui Geysir cu locul 1 in optimizarea performantei umane!
Felicitari Stelian! July Soft iti multumeste pentru intreaga contributie la crearea si promovarea lui “Geysir Enterprise Search”!

Alte informatii despre PatriotFest Editia 2018 gasiti la:
Depuneti toate eforturile si pasiunea pe care o aveti si visele pot deveni realitate!
La multi ani, Romania! Multumim PatriotFest! Felicitari Stelian!
Iulia de la JulySoft.Net