Geysir ( is an idea born in 2014 while visiting Dublin Trinity Library and Dublin History Museum. We, the founders, sat in a restaurant inside the Museum and had a chat about how hard is to find documents inside big silos of data any company create. In fact our personal data we gathered since 2004 has at the moment 500 GB and consists from various files like: emails, documents, and multimedia.
During our discussion at that time we decided that all those 500GB are useless if we cannot search inside them in a matter of few seconds! So, we started to investigate various solutions to this problem. We soon found that there is no easy solution.
That was the beginning! Today we have the solution, and let me tell you that sometimes we receive emails with congratulations for our amazing memory from people we exchanged 1-2 emails few years ago when we contact them! Cool, isn't it?
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