Outlook is everywhere,
Same its PST backup & storage files.
It is often network administrators, employees uses Outlook export functionality to create Outlook backups.
Geysir is capable of searching in a folder containing multiple such PST files and you will enjoy same experience searching in files when searching your Outlook email archives.
For a better search,
July Soft Team, www.julysoft.net
Responsibility. Integrity. Passion.

What is Computer Program?
Remember once read in a technical programming book that the author considered this to be the most accurate definition of a Computer Program:
"A Computer Program is something that has always at least one BUG and has at least 1 line of code more than it should".
Nice! Indeed!
Is someone asks us what is the most important update a Computer Program should get our answer is:
"An Automatic Update Feature Update!"
Perfectly aligned with previous definition!
Just because of those points, starting version of Geysir we have introduced "Automatic Updates" feature that any non-Free or non-Trial Geysir license owner will benefit from!
For a better search,
July Soft Team - www.julysoft.net
Responsibility. Integrity. Passion.

Acesta este link-ul pentru a cere Geysir Gratuit - licenta limitata gratuita a produsului July Soft Geysir Enterprise Search.
Ce veti obtine folosind July Soft Geysir?
- Veti vedea in ce fel poate Geysir sa va deblocheze timpul ocupat si sa gaseasca informatiile in timp real - ceea ce va ajuta sa cresteti afacerea mai rapid, sa reduceti costurile operationale si sa construiti relatii de incredere cu clientii dvs.
- Sa va decideti daca doriti sa faceti upgrade la orice versiune platita a sistemului Geysir (Model licentiere Geysir) - sistemul dvs. visat de tip Enterprise Search si primul sistem de implementat in afacerile de astazi, pentru a face fata provocarilor aduse de tendintele viitoare ale datelor si cel mai rapid mod de a controla datele si timpul dvs. (Cum cumpar licenta Geysir?)
- Utilizati Katla Gratuit (inclus in Geysir Gratuit) - instrument de eliminare a fisierelor duplicate si pentru auto-organizare a datelor existente, primul pas in implementarea unui sistem de tip Enterprise Search
Pentru ca dvs. sa aveti o mai buna cautare,
Echipa July Soft - www.julysoft.net
Responsibility. Integrity. Passion.

Visiting Geyser Geysir may cost you some time and money, but now you can ask for Geysir Free!
Here it is the link to request your Geysir Free download - a limited free license of July Soft Geysir Enterprise Search.
What you will achieve using Geysir Free?
Have a taste of how Geysir can unlock your busy time and find in real-time information you are looking for – this will help to grow the business faster, reduce operational costs and build trusted relationships with your clients
Decide yourself if you want to upgrade to any non-free full version of Geysir (License Model), your dreamed enterprise search system and first tool to implement in today business to face new data future trends challenges and quickest way to own your data and your time (How to buy a full Geysir License)
Use Katla Free (included in Geysir Free) - utility to eliminate duplicate files and to auto-organize your existing data, first step in implementing an Enterprise Search system
For your better search,
July Soft Team - www.julysoft.net
Responsibility. Integrity. Passion.

Am lansat Katla - un utilitar pentru eliminarea fisierelor duplicate si pentru auto-organizarea datelor existente (fișiere, directoare) dupa mai multe criterii (data, autor, cuvinte cheie etc.).
Mai multe detalii despre Katla puteti gasi aici. Puteti descarca Katla gratuit de aici. Dupa ce descarcați Katla, faceti clic dreapta pe fisierul ZIP si alegeți Properties, apoi faceti click pe butonul Unblock.
Katla Full Version vine impreuna cu orice licenta Geysir Enterprise Search achizitionata.
Katla pregateste fisierele pentru a obtine maximum din orice implementare Geysir.
Astfel, Katla este primul pas in directia cea buna de a creste eficienta cu care compania dvs. utilizeaza Datele!
Suntem interesati de feedback-ul dvs. si sa va prezentam si Geysir,
Echipa July Soft - www.julysoft.net
Responsabilitate. Integritate. Pasiune

We launched Katla - utility to eliminate duplicate files and for auto-organizing existing data (files, folders) by several facets (date, author, keywords etc).
More details about Katla you can find here.
You can download Katla Free from here. After you download Katla, right click on ZIP file and choose Properties, then click on Unblock button.
Katla Full Version comes along with any Geysir Enterprise Search license acquired.
Katla prepares your files for getting the most from any Geysir implementation.
So, Katla is the very first step in the right direction of increasing efficiency of how your company uses its Data!
We are interested in your feedback and to present you Geysir also!
July Soft Team - www.julysoft.net
Responsibility. Integrity. Passion

Julysoft Geysir is by all means an Enterprise Search Solution targeting home users & businesses that need more efficiency in the management of their internal electronic data.
If your company has a lot of business-critical information (namely Office Documents, PDF files, Zip or RAR archives containing such documents, Etc) inside your intranet (network shares, SQL Server Databases, FTP sites, Mailboxes, internal Web Portals, Share Point, TFS Etc) and your employees need to access this critical data fast to serve your business operations then for sure you should invest into a suitable Enterprise Search Solution. Geysir Enterprise Search is affordable, fast to implement so a great choice for your business to increase its operational efficiency in handling business-critical electronic data.
What problems Geysir solves & what benefits brings to my organization?
In a sentence, Geysir solves the main problem that Enterprise Search Systems solves by definition: Improve company efficiency through fast electronic information retrieval.
Main benefits that Geysir brings to your organization are:
a) Accelerate retrieval of information
b) Improving the re-use of information
c) Finding people with relevant expertise
d) Eliminate duplication of work
e) Improving the consistency and quality of response to queries from customers and partners
f) Audit / compliance management
Our priority is to help you find your data and save your time, therefore we have created for your business July Soft Geysir Enterprise Search: http://julysoft.net/products.
For a better search,
July Soft Team - www.julysoft.net
Responsibility. Integrity. Passion.

We @ Julysoft are working constantly to add new functionality to Geysir - our Enterprise Search Solution!
This time our team has added a very important connector - SSH (Secure Shell).
This connector is very important because extends Geysir capacity to index and search inside any UNIX, Linux, MacBook folders or any other OS supporting SSH protocol - even in Windows we can expose the file system using Gygwin!
Same time with implementation of SSH protocol in Geysir we have added also in Geysir Web UI a new awesome function: themes - and now we have 2 predefined themes we distribute Geysir Web UI with: Elegant Theme and Colorful one!
To see more details about Geysir Functionality and understand how Geysir can help you and / or your business to be more productive visit Julysoft Geysir.
Indeed, having an Enterprise Search Engine inside your company allows you to unleash the power of your own data, allows you to take better and more informed decisions, faster - overall increase your company's operational efficiency!
For a better search,
Julysoft Team - www.julysoft.net
Responsibility. Integrity. Passion.

Geysir (http://julysoft.net/products) is an idea born in 2014 while visiting Dublin Trinity Library and Dublin History Museum. We, the founders, sat in a restaurant inside the Museum and had a chat about how hard is to find documents inside big silos of data any company create. In fact our personal data we gathered since 2004 has at the moment 500 GB and consists from various files like: emails, documents, and multimedia.
During our discussion at that time we decided that all those 500GB are useless if we cannot search inside them in a matter of few seconds! So, we started to investigate various solutions to this problem. We soon found that there is no easy solution.
That was the beginning! Today we have the solution, and let me tell you that sometimes we receive emails with congratulations for our amazing memory from people we exchanged 1-2 emails few years ago when we contact them! Cool, isn't it?
For a better search,
JulySoft Team - http://julysoft.net/
Responsibility. Integrity. Passion.

Nowadays, the volume of electronic information becomes bigger and bigger and it's growth rate is increases exponentially.
BBC article "The trouble with big data its called the recency bias" tells us that:
"You may be familiar with the statistic that 90% of the world’s data was created in the last few years." BBC, 5 june 2016 http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20160605-the-trouble-with-big-data-its-called-the-recency-bias
Given actual enterprise data increase trend, one of the basic needs is to explore and search within unstructured data fast.
We offer Geysir – a fast enterprise search for big data, but we also offer automatic text summarization which may become in the future a basic need.
How you can still extract the value of your big data? How you can ensure your independence from "big data"?
JulySoft Geysir Enterprise Search is your solution: http://julysoft.net/products
We @JulySoft are looking forward to show you Geysir, and we are sure that you will really like it and that Geysir can have a major impact in your activity especially in today's highly competitive business.
For a better search,
JulySoft Team - www.julysoft.net
Responsibility. Integrity. Passion.